Daily Announcements: 03/19/24

Listen up Tigers; here are your announcements for the day.

Choir students who are in Glee are reminded to come to the choir room after school on Wednesday until 4:30pm for rehearsal. Make sure you have a ride to pick you up at 4:30pm.

Attention all Capital 10k runners. The next training session will be this Friday before school from 6:45 to 8:00. Gates will open at 6:30 and we will start running at 6:45. Please see Coach Sindt if you have any questions

Mrs. Glaser and Mr. Wahl would like to wish the Honors Band good skill as they travel to Indianapolis, Indiana tomorrow to participate in the Music for All National Concert Band Festival. The GMS Honors Band was one of only 11 middle school bands in the United States who were selected to play at this festival and the only band from Austin ISD. Honors Band- you have prepared incredibly hard over the last several months and your directors are so proud of you. We can't wait to share our music with people from across the nation this Friday. Way to go!

Are you interested in playing golf for GMS? If so please see Coach Fourmy in the gym to sign up for golf tryouts. Golf Tryouts will be Friday March 22nd after school from 4:00-5:30. In order to tryout and be on the golf team all participants must sign up with Coach Fourmy and have a completed physical on file.
