Daily Announcements: 05/06/2024

Listen up Tigers; here are your announcements for the day.

Tiger Camp Counselors - There will be a mandatory meeting tomorrow May 7th, during Excel time in Mrs. Mazac's room Room 603. Yes you got that right-Tiger Camp Counselors meet in 603 during Tuesday's Excel

8th graders - The TSI is a college readiness test required before you can sign up for a collge class in high school. If you would like to find out more about taking the TSI while still in 8th grade, please see Ms Oh in the Counseling Office for more info. No pressure - you will have opportunities to take the TSI in high school as well.

Open gym will start on Tuesday before school. You must see Coach Neary if you are interested in attending.

Gorzycki Tigers will excel today, and lead tomorrow!
