Daily Announcements: 05/08/2024

Listen up Tigers; here are your announcements for the day.

8th graders - The TSI is a college readiness test required before you can sign up for a collge class in high school. If you would like to find out more about taking the TSI while still in 8th grade, please see Ms Oh in the Counseling Office for more info. No pressure - you will have opportunities to take the TSI in high school as well.

Good Afternoon Tigers! On April 30, the GMS Spring STEM Club attended the UT Mini Stem Competition. GMS had a whopping 38 students participate in the competition, which included 3 categories: Trivia, Build, and Research. Our students received several awards again this semester. Please acknowledge these Tigers for a job well-done:

In the Research Category: 3rd Place Siri K. and Araav G.
In the Trivia Category: 4th Place Jay C. and Saaksh D.
In the Build Category: 2nd Place Mary R. and Vivian M.
AND 4th Place Mazzy J. and Trevlynn M.
GMS also won the "Best Spirit" Award for our GMS cheer the kids made up.
Lastly, thank you to all the 6th graders that came out to this super fun after-school club!

Hey Tigers! All Library books are due this Friday, May 10. So look in your backpack, in your locker, under your bed, and on your bookshelf at home and return any GMS Library books this week.
