Daily Announcements:02/10/25

Listen up Tigers; Here are your announcements for today. 


Congratulations to the girls soccer B team for their 3 to 0 win over Ann Richards middle school! Goals were scored by Connealy K, Gaby M, and Sophie C. The defender of the game was Nina H. The tiger's next game will be Saturday, February 15th at 10:30am at Paredes middle school. 


Congratulations to the girls soccer A team for defeating Ann Richards last weekend by a final score of 5 to 0.  Leading the way was Ava J and Ivy M with 2 goals each and Carly M with 1 goal.  Mia M also had a beautiful assist.  The next game will be this Saturday at Paredes.   


There will be no Crochet & Craft Club meeting today. Crochet & Craft Club is not meeting today. 


Tigers, today is the FINAL DAY to register for the afterschool STEM Club.  Please remind your family member to check their email for a registration confirmation by the 12th. 

Choir helpers that are helping Mr Heckler with Choice Sheet Night today are reminded to report to the choir room after school with their choir t-shirt on. 


Students - Please make sure you double-check your name and picture for the yearbook this week. Portraits are posted by grade level in the 600, 700, and 800 hallways. If you find a mistake, please fill out the form located on the display and return it to Room 508. Questions? See Ms. Sindt in Room 508. 


Gorzycki tigers will Excel today and lead tomorrow; have a great rest of your day tigers! 
