Listen up Tigers; Here are your announcements for today.
If you are interested in trying out for Gorzycki ‘s 7th and 8th tennis teams, see coach Gaines. Tryouts will be next week Tuesday and Wednesday, February 25th and 26th after school until 5:15. We will meet in the small gym right after school and bring your own racket.
Track tryouts are coming up! Both boys and girls will tryout the week of March 3rd. Boys will tryout before school and girls will be after. If you are not in Athletics you will need to sign up in the coaches office in the gym. Boys see coach Neary and Girls see coach Pena to sign up. You must have all paperwork on file or turned in before tryouts.
The 7th grade A team won the South Zone by defeating the Small Cougars by a score of 51-37. Cruz M led the way on both ends of the floor scoring 10 and locking up on defense. Jeremiah Y led all scorers with 15 and Keuvin W & Harry H. scored 10. The Tigers have their 1st round playoff game on Monday at O Henry at 6:00. Shoutout to the students who brought the energy last night!
The 7th grade B team defeated Small by a score of 44-20. The Tigers finished the season undefeated in District play. Liam N led the way with 18 points while Jack E and Maxwell M chipped in with 6 apiece. Great season Tigers!
The 8th Grade B-Team Boys Basketball team finished their season UNDEFEATED! They beat Small Middle School, 45-18. Shout out to Owen K. Justus J., Luke W., Matthew D., Easton E. for a great game AND Maxwell T. for getting an EPIC 3 point shot. Way to go Tigers!
Attention Girls Soccer C Team - our game against Marshall for tomorrow has sadly been canceled. Again, the Girls Soccer C Team will no longer have a game tomorrow.
Bring your yarn and hooks, crafters! Crochet & Craft Club will meet next Monday from 4:00-5:15 in Mrs. O'Brien's room 718. One more time, Crochet & Craft Club will have its regular meeting next Monday.
Students, if you are interested in being a library aide next school year, stop by the library and pick up an application. Applications should be returned to Ms. Fuller by Tuesday, February 25th.
Attention all students: FCA, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, will hold our next Huddle this Friday after school. Huddles will be every Friday after school, unless noted otherwise, in room 814 from 3:55-4:25. Those attending need to arrange a ride to pick them up in the front of the school at 4:30. Come join us for fellowship, food, and fun. Remember, FCA is not just for athletes. All are welcome!
Gorzycki tigers will Excel today and lead tomorrow; have a great rest of your day tigers!