Daily Announcements: 02/24/25

Listen up Tigers; Here are your announcements for today. 


If you are interested in trying out for Gorzycki ‘s 7th and 8th tennis teams, see coach Gaines.  Tryouts will be tomorrow and Wednesday, February 25th and 26th after school until 5:15.  We will meet in the small gym right after school and bring your own racket. 


Track tryouts are coming up! Both boys and girls will tryout the week of March 3rd. Boys will tryout before school and girls will be after. If you are not in Athletics you will need to sign up in the coaches office in the gym. Boys see coach Neary and Girls see coach Pena to sign up. You must have all paperwork on file or turned in before tryouts. 


Bring your yarn and hooks, crafters! Crochet & Craft Club meets today from 4:00 to 5:15 in Mrs. O'Brien's room 718. One more time, Crochet & Craft Club meets today in room 718 from 4:00 to 5:15. 


Congratulations to the girls soccer B team on their undefeated, not scored on season! During the season the team had 5 wins and 0 losses. They scored a total of 40 goals during those 5 games, averaging 8 goals scored per game. The team allowed 0 goals to be scored on us during the season, this really shows how stellar the defense and goalies were this season! Y'all are wonderful players, Coach Olson, Sindt & Wohleb are proud of you! Please start returning your jerseys to Coach Olson in room 612. 


Gorzycki tigers will Excel today and lead tomorrow; have a great rest of your day tigers! 
