Daily Announcements: 03/04/25

Listen up Tigers; Here are your announcements for today. 



Just a reminder that Twilight is after school today for those who need to make up attendance, grades, or credit recovery of a high school course. 


Did you know that Gorzycki has a Golf Team? The GMS Golf Team is open to all 7th and 8th grade boys and girls interested in competing in tournaments against other middle schools. Part 1 of the Tryout is this Friday, March 7th, after school until 5:30pm. Please see Coach Fourmy in the gym for more information and to sign up for tryouts. You must have a physical on file in order to tryout. 


Hey Tigers, have you gotten your tickets for the annual GMS musical yet? This year's production is Finding Nemo Jr., based on the hit Disney Pixar movie. Performances are March 7th, 8th, & 9th. See Ms. González or a theatre production student for ticket info. 



Gorzycki tigers will Excel today and lead tomorrow; have a great rest of your day tigers! 
