Gorzycki Middle School

Daily Announcements: 04/06/23

Thursday, April 06, 2023


Listen up Tigers; here are your announcements for the day.


Today is a B Day that means you will have 5th-8th period.  Once again, today is a B Day.



Students if you know that you are going to be picked up early from school you must bring in a note from your parent stating the time that you will be picked up. You will then receive a pink pass to get out of class at your scheduled pick up time; teachers should not let you leave without a pink pass from the office.


Tigers the office is still receiving tons of requests for replacement ID badges.  Please keep your badge around your neck, not twirled around your finger, it should be around your neck. Put your ID in your backpack when you get home, this will ensure that you do not lose your ID and that you are not assigned lunch detention.


Students, please remember that it is never ok to order lunch from a restaurant and have it delivered to the front office.  You are not allowed to use your cell phone or chromebook to place any type of food delivery order, it will be sent away. The only lunch deliveries that are accepted are the ones that parents bring you themselves.  If you are expecting lunch, please come to the office and look for it.  It will either be in the office or on the stage in the cafeteria.



Gorzycki Tigers will excel today, and lead tomorrow.