
I got my vaccine stickerA current immunization record or exemption is required for enrollment in all Texas public schools. See

Texas Immunizations Requirements

Texas State Vaccine Requirements for Students Grades K-12

Do you want to obtain an immunization exmption affidavit for your child?

Obtaining an Affidavit

How to obtain an immunization excemption affidavit from the Texas State Department of Health.

Once you request and obtain the affidavit from in the mail, you will need to complete it in front of a notary. The school needs the original, notarized affidavit once all is complete. This process can take a couple weeks, so start it early.

If there is a medical reason that a student may not be immunized, a written statement by a U.S. licensed physician is required.

Before the start of 7th grade

Before the start of 7th grade all students are required to get the following immunizations. 

  • Tetanus, Diphteria, Pertussis (Tdap)
  • Meningitis/ Meningococcal (MCV)

These immunizations are given at their 11 years old well child exam and can be submitted to the school nurse at that time. If these vaccines are not received prior to the first day of school for 7th grade, your child will be sent home from school until the immunizations are complete.