Illness Protocols and Resources

""Per AISD protocol, your child should be kept home from school if they have a fever at or above 100.0F, any vomiting, or 2 episodes of diarrhea. Students should be fever free for 24 hrs. without the use of fever reducing medications before returning to school.

Students that test positive for COVD-19, are required to stay home for 5 days before returning to school (the date of the positive test is Day 0 and the return date will be Day 6). Anyone who tested positive will need markedly improved symptoms and to be fever free for 24 hours before returning.

Students who return to campus on Day 6 after a positive test result will be required to wear a mask for 5 additional days. If you child is feeling sick, regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not, please stay home and contact your medical provider for further instructions.
